The Forgotten

When I wrote my first novel, Ship of Haunts, the focus was on child migration, ghosts and Titanic. Titanic is well-known for being a major maritime disaster. But there have been many other tragedies, also with significant loss of life, and in Ship of Haunts, as well as Carrin, whose ghost haunts Titanic, we meet... Continue Reading →

Books, ships and of course a SALE

Hi everyone Just a quick message to let you know there's currently a SALE on Ship of Haunts: the other Titanic story. Now at 99p/$1.55 until the end of 29 May. So don't miss out. Get your ebook copy from Amazon and enjoy some bank holiday (or other) reading! Warning: this is a complex, time... Continue Reading →

Pinterest, Photos and Gardens in Spring

Pinterest is a wonderful resource.  It's an online picture board, on which you can capture those images that tell your story (any story) and share them with the world. You can visit my Ship of Haunts Pinterest board here: the board gives insights into the novel as well as the themes behind the book, principally... Continue Reading →

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