Aleph’s House

On 18 February, I'll be talking about my latest novel, Shadows of the Lost Child, at Acomb Library, York (UK). As you'll know, if you've visited this blog before today, the novel is set in a fictional city, Curdizan, which was inspired by historic York. At Acomb Library on 18th, apart from reading from the... Continue Reading →

In the Shadows, is a House…

I’m stunned to see how long it’s been since I last wrote a post. However, I do have an excuse... my new novel is finally finished and is available NOW, to pre-order. The book comes out on the 18th! Shadows of the Lost Child, like Ship of Haunts, is partly historical. In it, I explore... Continue Reading →

Harvard House: no ghosts but plenty of history

‘the college agreed upon formerly to be built at Cambridge shall be called Harvard College’  (1639) On rare occasions, both locals and visitors to Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, have the chance of a glimpse at a slice of history. The history in question is Harvard House and although to my knowledge there aren’t any ghosts, there are... Continue Reading →

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